As always, THANK YOU for participating this year! This year, it seems some of you are really honing your palates, and it's a lot of fun to watch. As fun as it was, I know there's plenty of room to improve. We tried a few new things this year, and I know there are a ton of other possibilities. I'd love any feedback you have to make next year's calendar just a little tastier.

Now onto the survey!

Please enter your email address
1 - Unsatisfied, 5 - Very satisfied
Feel free to provide any comments as it relates to the quality, variety, or sorting throughout the month.
1 - Too expensive, 5 - Incredible deal for the money
Feel free to provide any comments as it relates to the value of the calendar.
1 - Difficult to use, 5 - Loved it!
Feel free to provide any comments as it relates to the website. I'm always looking for new features to add.
Select all that apply
1 - 24 days is awful; 5 - 24 is perfect
Feel free to provide any comments as it relates to the value of the calendar.
1 - Not enough; 5 - Perfect amount
Feel free to provide any comments as it relates to the amount of whiskey in each bottle.
1 - Dissatisfied; 5 - Very Satisfied
Feel free to provide any comments as it relates to the scoring system.